Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan on Kabbalah, Mysticism, and Meditation

I always find Rabbi Kaplan to be fascinating.

His books are masterful, concise, and clear. He is another one of those people on my list of people that I wish I had met...

1 comment:

Ines said...

I accidentally found your blog while searching on the net for info about Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan, especially if there are centers in Europe practicing and teaching Jewish Meditation and Meditative Services.. I am right now reading his book Practical Guide to Jewish Meditation and find it absolutely fascinating..still very hard to learn even to focus the mind for a few minutes.. I am living in Munich, Germany, I am right now planning to open a Jewish/Israeli Young Adults' Center for educational and socialising purposes.. I so much wish to establish some regular practice of studying Jewish Meditation there as part of the program.. but I don't know anybody at all, neither here nor anywhere else, who can give me any advice or guidance with such an undertaking.. I appreciate any thoughts :))
Best wishes,